Sonntag, 17. Juni 2018

Boracay closed for tourists Summer 2018

For Better or for Worse: Tourism Dept. Pitching to Close Boracay From April to October

I will close Boracay. Boracay is a cesspool.“, resounding words uttered by President Rodrigo Duterte a few weeks ago in a business forum.
The highly acclaimed pristine waters of this paradise now plagued with a sewage problem. Is Boracay going to be another Philippine landmark that will go to waste?

Drainage Waste Direct to the Sea. Disgusting!

Around 850 establishments have been served show-cause orders for such violations. Establishments violated the Clean Water Act, Ecological Waste Management Act, and Land Use Regulations.
Only 18% of the 500 accredited hotels are connected to the sewage line. So where does the waste go? Multiple businesses drained their waste directly to the sea.
If this continues, I’m afraid the President’s cesspool description might just be an understatement.
"I told Cimatu, Cimatu is a general, he was assigned here. ‘I’ll give you six months. Clean the g***** thing”, as said by the President Duterte at the Manila Business Forum.
With President Duterte’s directive, the tourism department is pushing the closure of Boracay on July to October to expedite the island cleanup. Plans are also present to announce a state of calamity to further hasten the process.
A mandatory salvage zone of 25 meters plus 5 meters is drawn for the buildings and the shore (high tide mark). Any establishment that will violate this boundary will be demolished.

Those who illegally tapped in the drainage system are all also forced to dismantle their businesses.

Balancing Act: Loss of Jobs vs. Preservation of Boracay’s Beauty


One of Asia’s top holiday islands faces closure by presidential decree. Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines, has called for Boracay to be placed off-limits to tourists for six months while it is cleaned up.

An English-language news site, The Inquirer, said the president would declare a “state of calamity” in Boracay. Closure to tourists is expected from 26 April for “rehabilitation” of the tiny isle.

Nach einer Verfügung des philippinischen Präsidenten am 04.04.2018, soll die ganze Insel Boracay für den Tourismus für 6 Monate geschlossen werden. Die Verfügung soll am 26. April 2018 in Kraft treten.

Wie konnte es dazu kommen?

Fest steht jedenfalls, dass die Insel hoffnungslos überlastet war. 
Das schlug sich auf die täglich erzeugten Müllberge und die Abwässer nieder, mit denen die Insel und deren Infrastruktur fertig werden mußte.

Fragt sich, wie das ALLES in 4 Monaten gelöst/zum verschwinden/gereinigt wird?!
 Da bin ich mal gespannt!
und wie gehts wohl Victory Divers ? 
und dem Tattoo Randy ?